今天看到雜誌的一篇文章, 是關於我的攝影師. 我們從第一張專輯就開始合作,最近得知他患了病, 令我覺得非常突然. 他的名字叫JC, 是一位資深的攝影師,我相信香港很多朋友都有看過他的作品.他除了很有才華之外, 也是一個超級好人. 他工作認真, 並一點架子都沒有.文章內提到 “他對生命的熱情, 那份活著的決心及勇氣, 令他散發著正能量的光芒.” 雖然我並沒有機會看到他, 但十分敬佩他對生命的熱誠. 人生最重要是問心無愧, 快快樂樂, 我興幸遇上愛我的人, 我也會好好珍惜我身邊的一切, 把每一件事做好. 我深深地希望他能早日康復.
JC, the photographer, has been diagnosed with Cancer and his life term is at the moment very unstable.
Wing Shya, and Shyalala , along with some other groups will be holding an exhibition for him so as to try and do what we can.
With this, we are asking if you could so kindly help to send out this invite to all your listing groups so that we can gather as much people to the exhibition opening as well raise the funds for him and his family.
Please help us send this invitation to your group list and thank you for your kind support.
JC AWAKENING Photography Exhibition
日期:18 DEC 07 - 04 JAN 08
地點:2/F Pacific House, 20 Queen's Rd, Central
時間:11:00-20:00 daily (逢週一休息)
::ABCD:: Online Store
3pm (+852-34282565 香港九龍旺角上海街600號 2/F)
Kubrick (+852-23848929 香港油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園H2地舖)
[台北販售點] 西門町小蔡的店 (+886-2-2375-9515 台北市峨嵋街55號2樓)
[台中販售點] 浮現藝文展演空間 (+886-4-2631-3286 台中縣龍井鄉新興路55巷12號(東海商圈))
- Dec 29 Sat 2007 02:53